Saturday, September 29, 2007
Life in Clay
I've finally decided what to do for IP...claymation. I wasn't sure where I wanted to go with my work, but when I was exploring my ideas, I kept winding up somewhere that I knew I didn't want to be. I tried to force it, but as one could guess, that was a bad idea. So I took the advice of a professor and started playing with my subject matter --in its simpest form, a toothbrush-- in different mediums. And when I started an animation, I was happy. I enjoyed the process and loved the results. So logically, I decided to do a claymation. And this is where I am today; objects that are frequently replaced and discarded by humans with little or no regard are placed in situations where they meet and interact. What happens? I want to explore and find that answer...or at least what I imagine the answer to be.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
IP Starts, Frustration to Follow.

I've hit a wall and am frustrated and confused...surprise surprise. I keep getting ideas for my ip project and I get really excited, but then after I seriously think about what that idea entails...I become frustrated and confused and feel as though I have no where to go.
I've currently settled on the theme of collections and ritual/habitual acts. My latest idea was to document the past, present, and future of my life through collections. Bear with me as I think out loud how this project would function.
To start, I began with the idea of collections, mainly the ones that I have formed over the years. I began to think about what these collections mean and why I have unconsciously created them. They all seem to be comprised of paper items that represent events from my life. Both the objects themselves as well as the events and things they represent are ephemeral. So why do I save them? I believe that I have a fear of losing my past. So why not try to hold onto it??? This would be step one. Collect my past.
I then considered the topic further, asking myself why I'm worrying about the past. And in the process of thinking of this, I realized that not only am I worried about losing the past --and thus collecting and saving things-- but I also collect objects and tools for the future: extra toothbrushes, shampoo, roles of tape, etc. I then asked why I do this as well. Answer: I have a fear of being without something that I need. Solution: Create many of things I'm afraid of losing --make 50 sculptures or castings of a toobthrush or 600 paperclips. This would be step two.
"Collect" for the future.
Well at this point I realized that I'm worrying about losing the past and not being prepared for the future, but what about the present? I'm losing the present in my process of obsessive collecting. Solution: Hold onto the present. I would do this by saving one object or creation to represent each waking hour of every day for a strech of time. This would be my final step.
Collect the present.
Sooooo this is where I'm at. I'm not sold on my idea, but I'm at the point where I have to start with something, so why not this??? I just have to hope that I wind up loving this or allowing it to lead me to something I do love...
Cross your fingers for me.
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