Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Joe and I just got back from Michigan. We were fortunate enough to spend the holidays with our respective families and are now settled back into our own home. We're currently getting ready for a New Year's Eve, extra sparkly wedding. It should be a great night -- hopefully with some good pictures to share later!

I haven't had much time to unload pictures what with our Christmas travels, so here's a compilation of our holidays, starting with cutting down our Christmas tree (without any snow!!!) and ending with my parent's Christmas tree. Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree!

Finally! I picture of our tree! I've been so busy lately I haven't had much time to snap photos or post them, but here's a pretty decent one of our tree. It's rather large, so it's hard to get it all in the photo at once.

We're packing up at the moment, ready to head to Michigan for the holidays. I couldn't be more ready for a break and I'm so thankful that I have an entire week to spend with my family and friends. Now if only I didn't have to go to work tomorrow... I suppose I shouldn't be greedy!

Monday, December 07, 2009

Let It Snow

There is officially snow on the ground. Yay! While it didn't snow until after we got our Christmas tree home and in house, but I'll take what I can get. At least I was able to decorate while looking out the window at the snow! Our tree is a bit too large for our little house, but Joe picked it out, so I can't be held responsible! Plus I love that it's just big enough to draw all the attention! I'll post some pictures soon!

Just a little note about my "top secret" work project, I'm seeing my hard work get to use! Not quite in the way I expected, but it's still gratifying as a young designer to see your work put to good use in the real world. Hopefully I'll be able to divulge all the of the info soon.

To finish off, here's a few photos by Fred Lebain that I found recently. I enjoy thinking of them as a way of documenting the passage of time, something I find particularly difficult to capture in my own work.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

The Old Man is Snoring

I have a number of things to share this morning, but I'll start at the beginning. It's pouring outside (or as my friend Sarah says "It's pissing it down"--one of my favorite phrases from our English friends over seas). We're talking torrential rains. I started my walk to work thankful for Joe's over-sized umbrella and my rainboots, but half way through realized that neither could save me from a thorough soaking. So here I sit, with drenched thighs (how unpleasant are wet jeans? ick!) trying to dry out next to my space heater, but instead just finding myself getting over heated and dried out...ugh.

Surprisingly enough I'm still in a rather pleasant mood. The office is quiet today and I'm feeling productive--check back in with me in a few hours on the latter half of that.

On another note, I've been thinking recently about starting another blog -- don't worry, I've decided against it -- but I've been finding all sorts of exciting artists and projects online and have no where to store them for later reference. I thought creating a second blog as an "idea storage space" might be a good idea, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that the main problem I have as far as art is concerned is finding a way to balance and integrate it with my every day life. So why not start by integrating it into my every day blog? Seems logical to me. My last post was a bit of a trial see if I felt completely weird posting something I didn't create or photograph on my blog, and I'm feeling okay about it. So why not continue!? I don't know why I feel the need to categorize my blog into separate "personal" and "art" categories, but I think it's time I work to stop that.

That having been said, I'm working on a secret project at work which I'm rather excited about. As everyone knows, I work for a newspaper and newspapers are in a curious position right now. I find myself thinking more and more about what role a newspaper plays in a community and how to keep that role relevant. I've also been doing a lot of research into advertising and layouts as a way to better my ability at creating effective advertisements. I've been doing a lot more on the web lately and I'm finding myself taking note when an ad appears on a random website, realizing what catches my attention and what is able to actually hold it.

Basically, there's a lot going on least on my end. As I said, I've been doing a lot of research, both into other newspapers as well as magazines. I'm finally thinking about what draws me to a particular paper or magazine and why. Here's a few of my favorite covers I've come across.

When looking at these, I have to keep in mind that part of what draws me to them just won't translate to a newspaper. The images themselves are a huge part of the appeal of a magazine, and there just isn't that kind of flexibility in a newspaper - not to mention a difference in printing quality. But the use of text, in both font choice and lay out, can definitely be applicable in both ads and the newspaper as a whole. The interaction of text and image as well as the use of space and brevity to convey the general message are particularly useful. These designs aren't anything radical, but the nuances are important - and the simplicity actually makes them more applicable to newspapers.

With that...I think it's time I get to that productivity I mentioned earlier! Wish me luck with drying out my jeans!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Les Trois Inventeurs

I stumbled upon this animation today and am completely enamored. I've been looking at a lot of paper works lately and this is definitely one of my favorites. I can't imagine the amount of time that was put into creating this, let alone the entire animation (which I haven't been able to find So delicate and elegant.


Just a few more pictures of our holiday house guest, Ollie. He's such a well behaved dog but he's definitely still a puppy and needed lots and lots of play time! Thankfully Joe loves to wrestle, so they had a great time together. I, on the other hand, am a bit too small for a dog of Ollie's size and strength. Wrestling with him felt something like wrestling with a bear. I'm just a little bit too small and a little bit to weak to take on an animal like Ollie. That's not to say I wouldn't keep him if given the opportunity, but I think I'd have to beef up a bit in order to keep him around :)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Gobble Gobble!

The men of the holiday....each taking a turn in the man chair of the house.

Thanksgiving was low key, as usual, but just as great as years past. Not only did Evy join us, but we had the pleasure of watching Oliver over the holiday. What could be better than a dog on Thanksgiving!?!?! The four of us had a good time, baking turkey, watching football and stuffing our faces--Oliver included!

We couldn't resist taking a "family portrait" for the day.

Joe's turkey turned out as delicious as last year as did everything else!

Out of the Fog

Foggy days in the park are pretty amazing. Even more fun when you have a dog with you like we did Wednesday!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Surfs Up!

Recently we had some extreme swells on the island. I was hoping to finally see Thunder Hole thundering, so we drove down to the park and took a peek. We didn't hear Thunder Hole (I think I'm doomed), but we did see some extreme waves--and some surfers taking advantage of the situation on Sand Beach.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Goodbye MDI!

Here's my latest cake creation! A co-worker was moving home to West Virginia, so I baked him a small MDI Cake, complete with the Cranberry Islands! This was actually the easiest cake. Things went really smoothly, and I even made the whole thing without Joe around to keep me calm and collected. I consider that a sign of my progression in the world of cake baking! Yay me!

Thursday, November 05, 2009


Finally, I have a photo of our pumpkin lit up. Unfortunately, there's no picture of Joe's pumpkin....thanks to some mean kids.

We woke up Halloween morning to find Joe's pumpkin smashed in the street and mine impaled on the neighbors old newspaper box post. Luckily, mine was broken into two pieces and could be re-assembled (notice the crack in the photo), but there was no salvaging Joe's. I was rather upset and still can't believe someone would do that; before Halloween even! What if that was some poor little kid's pumpkin and it was smashed the night after he made it? I just don't get how someone could do that.

Oh well. Here's my pumpkin at least!

The Last of the Leaves

Here are my last leaf pictures!!! I'm sad their all gone now, but it's so pretty, I can't be upset at mother nature.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Good Morning Snowflakes!

This morning I woke up to snowflakes outside my window. It was a bit startling at first, but it made me think a number of things.

First: "Oh no! It's actually winter now!"

Then I moved on to "Well at least mother nature waited until November. Thanks a bunch!"

Next I decided it was time to break out the winter hat, which I of course look ridiculous in.

And finally, I thought, "I'd better get the rest of my fall pictures on line so I can move on to snow pictures"

So here we are...fall pictures.

Last week Joe and I were able to go for a walk around Jordon Pond. It was a gorgeous day and I luckily had the morning off, so we took full advantage.

It's been nice to finally get to spend some time together now that the summer season has settled down. The gallery is just about closed and I'm really appreciating the time to relax and get some much needed things done. I'm not sure that I'm ready for all that winter brings, but I'm certainly glad for the time it's given back to me. Hopefully I won't let the early darkness slow me down and turn me into the sloth that I can sometimes become.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I Once Had A Pumpkin Farm...

Not really...but last night Joe and I carved our pumpkins! Joe was done rather quickly, while I followed my typical behavior and took way longer than necessary. I just can't help myself! I love to carve pumpkins! And this year I didn't get two to carve, so I had to be extra thoughtful with my one. I even pulled out some sculpting tools to use since we couldn't find our pumpkin carving knives. I think they both turned out great! I'll have to take some pictures when we light them with candles on Saturday.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Smashed and Mashed

The cider is officially fermenting.

We chopped, smashed, squeezed, juiced and canned. And now the hard earned juice from few pounds of apples are fermenting with yeast and sugar. I'm still not sold on the idea, but I suppose I have at least a month or two of fermentation time to get comfortable with the idea.

In other news, we got pumpkins on Sunday! Unfortunately we didn't get to go to a pumpkin patch (the rain really ruined this year's crop, so the "you pick" places were pretty much empty), but we got them from a really great market just off the island. We've driven past so many times and never stopped before, but I'm certainly glad we did this time. Not only did we get some really good pumpkins, but we went through their haunted house (not bad for a small scale operation), got some excellent cider, and chatted with the adorable man who runs the market. You could tell he was doing exactly what he wanted with his life, his joy was infectious! (the excellent weather didn't hurt either) Plus he made excellent mulled cider!

Anyway...I'm hoping to carve our pumpkins tonight since Halloween is fast approaching. Not sure what I'm going to do yet...should be interesting!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Stick it in!

This past weekend Joe and I took a little road trip with our friends Michael and Kallie down to Connecticut for the UConn football game. It was great to get away for the weekend and not have to worry about anything! The car ride was a bit long, but we had Kallie and Michael's dog Austin to keep us entertained. He's absolutely adorable, and we learned on the way home that he really loves pumpkin flavor. Joe found out the hard way, having to guard his pumpkin blizzard from sneak attacks!

We had a great time checking out the UConn campus and finally seeing a football game for the first time in the past year. It's a completely different atmosphere down there, but it was a lot of fun. I've never done the official tailgate thing and I enjoyed the "back of a pickup and under a tent" feel. I also had a fun time learning their chants and cheers and such. There was no cowbell, but their red zone chant was pretty priceless! "Stick it in! Stick it in! Stick it in!" Wonder who came up with that one?!?!

Their stadium is obviously a fraction of what Joe and I are used to, but the backdrop of orange and yellow trees more than made up for anything else we might have missed. I was really lax with my picture taking, but here's a couple of the ones I did manage to snap.