Friday, November 27, 2009

Gobble Gobble!

The men of the holiday....each taking a turn in the man chair of the house.

Thanksgiving was low key, as usual, but just as great as years past. Not only did Evy join us, but we had the pleasure of watching Oliver over the holiday. What could be better than a dog on Thanksgiving!?!?! The four of us had a good time, baking turkey, watching football and stuffing our faces--Oliver included!

We couldn't resist taking a "family portrait" for the day.

Joe's turkey turned out as delicious as last year as did everything else!

Out of the Fog

Foggy days in the park are pretty amazing. Even more fun when you have a dog with you like we did Wednesday!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Surfs Up!

Recently we had some extreme swells on the island. I was hoping to finally see Thunder Hole thundering, so we drove down to the park and took a peek. We didn't hear Thunder Hole (I think I'm doomed), but we did see some extreme waves--and some surfers taking advantage of the situation on Sand Beach.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Goodbye MDI!

Here's my latest cake creation! A co-worker was moving home to West Virginia, so I baked him a small MDI Cake, complete with the Cranberry Islands! This was actually the easiest cake. Things went really smoothly, and I even made the whole thing without Joe around to keep me calm and collected. I consider that a sign of my progression in the world of cake baking! Yay me!

Thursday, November 05, 2009


Finally, I have a photo of our pumpkin lit up. Unfortunately, there's no picture of Joe's pumpkin....thanks to some mean kids.

We woke up Halloween morning to find Joe's pumpkin smashed in the street and mine impaled on the neighbors old newspaper box post. Luckily, mine was broken into two pieces and could be re-assembled (notice the crack in the photo), but there was no salvaging Joe's. I was rather upset and still can't believe someone would do that; before Halloween even! What if that was some poor little kid's pumpkin and it was smashed the night after he made it? I just don't get how someone could do that.

Oh well. Here's my pumpkin at least!

The Last of the Leaves

Here are my last leaf pictures!!! I'm sad their all gone now, but it's so pretty, I can't be upset at mother nature.