Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Ignorance is not Bliss

School really isn't over. And I knew that. But it didn't quite sink into my thick little brain until now. So here I am...1 day from being finished...irritated beyond irritation. All I have to do is finish some stupid symbol translations and I just can't do it. All I want to do is sit down with a book and do nothing. Just relax. And when I say relax, I don't just mean sit in front of the television and pretend to relax when I know that I have other things to do at the moment...which I've done once or twice. But let's face it...that's just pretending ot relax. So yes...here I am, procrastinating. Damn me and my stubborn ignorance.


Anonymous said...

hace mucho que no entraba a tu blog, me encanto la pintura que hiciste abajo, del cigarro....

te mando saludos desde aca :) aun sigo extrañandolos bastante


Anonymous said...

hey! i love your stuff! you are so talented michelle!
i can't wait to see you! i will let you know about my summer plans as soon as i know them....
i have to find a job, a car, and a house. life is good...