I promise I'm not purposely avoiding my little blog, I just can't seem to find the time to sit down long enough to type more than a few quick words. And with that....
Just kidding! Although in truth I really don't have much more time than this. I just got home from work (Yes, it's almost midnight. And yes, I did get to work at 7am this morning) and am having a quick snack to silence my grumbling tummy before heading off to catch a few zzz's. Tomorrow I have almost the entire day off from the paper, but I have about a weeks worth of things to do at the gallery, so I'll be waking up at 7 and heading into there for the day.
Between the two jobs, the start of the tourist season (Yikes! I always forget how much busier and more hectic everything gets.), my online classes, job searching, volunteering for the Y, and on top of that trying to start planning wedding stuff and all of the trips and visits that need to happen this summer....I'm exhausted just thinking about it all!
I think I could use some serious beauty sleep! It's off to dreamland for me!