Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Drowning in life...

So life has recently become insanely overwhelming. I feel as though I'm drowning without a way out or even a light at the end of the tunnel to which I should be paddling. I could blame it on the weather, which has been an excruciatingly painful reminder that I'm not in South America anymore, but I think it's mostly me. I think that I've reached a sort of "third year itch". And yet that's not even an appropriate way of describing it. I suppose it would be more of a "third year test". I feel as though I'm being tested as to my mental, physical, and emotional limits. And I'm beginning to realize that I can either take these challenges --I use the term to lighten the weight of the subject-- and face them head on, allowing myself to fall and rebuild myself in a stronger and more secure form, or I can crumble and remain the same as before. You could say I'm looking to make my own silver lining from the situation in order to have some sort of light to which I'll paddle. I'm finding that right now, life is just demasiado duro to not have some sort of hope, fabricated or otherwise.

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