A water main broke down the street from me yesterday and I was left without water. I found myself rather upset by this --most because I had to use the bathroom-- and then today I stopped to think about it, and realized how silly it was to be upset by not having water. Of course we all need water to survive, to drink, to clean, to use the bathroom, etc. but I spent a week in a town that had a very limited water supply --and actually no water at all for a while-- and was completley fine. True, I had to wake up and hunt down a bush to use as a bathroom one morning, but still...it wasn't all that horrible. Once you get past that fact and realize that water for drinking can be bought down the street, a day without water really isn't all that awful.
Now I guess my main realization from this was that I have shifted back into my old life here. It's hard to believe that I left for Chile almost a year ago...it sometimes feels like it was all just a dream --until I go back and look through my pictures. Even then it's still a bit hazy and dream-like. Then I can't help but wonder if this is just because I have a horrible memory, in which case I will be doomed to have all of my memories saved in a hazy state, or if everyone remembers such awesome events in the same way. I always said I would never forget my time in Chile, but I find myself letting things slip until I stop and dig down to find the memories. A frightning and disconcerting thought if you ask me...
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