Thursday, July 17, 2008

Big Kids Need Big Toys

Joe and I made a fun purchase this past weekend...After a phone call from a guy named Frank, we came home with a shiny new...

Ok Ok, so it's not actually shiny or new, but to us it is!!! And we have had ourselves a fun time trying it out in Eagle Lake. It's a sea kayak, so it's made for the ocean, but we decided that it would be best to take it around the lake a few times to get our sea legs primed and ready for the freezing cold ocean. I have yet to take my camera in the kayak, so these pictures close to the shore are all I've got, but maybe one day I'll ziploc up my camera and take a few snap shots of both me and Joe in the boat, paddling around the island!

Yay for new toys!!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I see photos, I see them.

But it just makes me want to be where you are...this is a conundrum.

I wish you could be in AA for the Michael Reunion Drink-Off. It would be fun with you here, but you're obviously having fun without us. :(

Just kiddink...I keed I keeed.