Monday, July 28, 2008

Burnt Popcorn -- Sadness to Follow

Burning a bag of popcorn is such a bummer - and that's exactly what I just did. I was making myself one of those convenient "mini-bags" in a microwave I'm not used to, and less than a minute later I realized I had messed up. I openned the bag and caught a whif of that awful burnt butter and my heart sank. Funny how a burnt bag of popcorn can be so upsetting. I guess it's because a perfect bag of popcorn is so great--especially when you're really hungry!

**I'd like to point out quickly how I decided to post this without thinking of Michael's latest post about ruining his dinner...funny how we're doing a sort of "call and response" through our writing... :)

1 comment:

Michael said...

Yep. Our wavelengths are definitely in-sync. Must be a coastal thing.