I've been having some trouble with blogger and haven't been able to upload pictures for some time. Because of this, the snow in these pictures has been melted by a rain storm we had this Monday and unfortunately, the ground has become brown and muddy. We got a soft dusting this evening and are supposed to get even more this weekend, but I already miss the tall drifts!
It reallly is amazing how beautiful it is here when there's a layer of snow on the ground.
We haven't had the opportunity to go cross country skiing yet this winter, but Joe and I were able to go ice fishing last weekend on Long Pond. We huddled around a fire on the side of the lake and kept an eye out for the flags to snap up. It was certainly more luxurious than the ice fishing we did last winter, but it was also a lot more fun with a crowd of people and a bonfire to warm my fingers and toes.
Work has been keeping me significantly busy lately. It's feeling much more like a newspaper office now, with people around every day and police station pagers going off a few times each afternoon. There's never any overly exciting news, but it's kind of nice to have your top headline for the day be one about a woman getting trapped in an elevator for all of 5 minutes. Or like Tuesday, when the big story was that a pair of thick mittens had been found in the middle of the street. Can you imagine living somewhere that is boring enough to make you call the police when you find a pair of mittens in the street? It's pretty crazy, but it's also kind of fun! The winters here are such a nice balance with the crazy summer life.