Today officially marks the second day I trekked to work through the snow. Last week I managed to convince Joe to go in a bit later than usual so he could drive me. I think I was doing him more of a favor than myself since he got an extra hour of sleep out of it, but I was definitely thankful to not have to walk through the blizzard that was beating down on us at the time.
Now that the blizzard has passed (after days of continuous snow fall), I'm actually enjoying the walk to work again. It's not too cold, but just enough so I'm thankful for the heat of the office when I walk through the door.
I must admit that it doesn't feel as though we've already started a new year. I'm not sure what event or act officially "marks" the new year for me, but somehow I've missed it this time around. It might have to do with my lack of resolutions, but in all honesty, I've never really made one in the past. Maybe it's because we lost power at midnight this year and couldn't watch the ball drop on TV or have the giant television count down, or maybe it's because we were actually doing something eventful for the night? Who knows.
Speaking of our eventful New Year's Eve, I wanted to share some photos from our night.

We were lucky enough to attend the wedding of our friends Jeni and Jeff. It was a beautiful ceremony of smiles and tears followed by a crazy night of dancing, masks, power outages, a blue moon and champagne! We unfortunately did not have power at midnight, but thanks to the iphone, we were able to count it down and toast on time just the same, and I think we'll probably remember the night even more because of it. It was such a special event even with the power, that the candle light count down made it even more memorable!
It was such a change from last year when we spent the night holed up in our house alone (eee...that makes us sound rather sad). I can't believe how comfortable we've gotten here in just over a year. It feels as though we've been here for so much longer. Oh goodness...there I go. Before I get all mushy on you, here are the rest of the wedding photos!

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