For those of you who aren't aware, the first U of M football game is about to start (we're talking minutes from now) and I'm in where near Ann where near the where near the big yellow where near the tailgates and screaming fans. It's weird. Very weird. I almost got a bit teary when they showed everyone on tv. But alas, life moves on. This is probably the first time it's really hit me that my time in Ann Arbor has ended. Sigh. But I'm surviving, as is everyone else who graduated and moved on. But I am still watching the game! Yay! Go Blue!
So with that out of the way...wait's kick off! OK now, with that out of the way, I'll get into the recapping. My parents came to visit immediately after Joe's, and thankfully we had some fantastic weather! We managed to do just about everything we had planned - kayaking, biking, sunset sailboat cruise, trip up Cadillac Mountain, and other such things. Here's my smattering of pictures to illustrate...

I even got them to go clam digging! My dad found the largest of the day...and as a reward, or in his case punishment, he got to/had to, eat it!

We had ourselves some great food throughout the week, fried clams, steamed mussels, lobster (of course), and some tasty ribs. And that's just what we cooked ourselves! Needless to say it was a good time. It was nice to have my parents out for a visit, although that always makes it a bit harder to say goodbye when they have to go. It was nice to show them where I live and give them a taste of life out here--which I do enjoy.
Now, sadly, I must run to work. I'll be livestreaming the game from my laptop in the gallery, let's hope that works. I'll leave you with a picture of the beautiful flowers Joe's Dad got from the farmer's market. They lived for about three weeks and all of the buds opened at one point or another :)