Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Itsy Bitsy Spiders

The fog was incredible this morning! It just kept coming and coming, blanketing the whole town.

The air here is always so damp, your breath condenses like it would in the winter back in Michigan. With that dampness, I've noticed one thing, spiders. Or more specifically, their webs. Our yard alone contains somewhere upwards of 20 spiderwebs. They're laying on the grass or spun through the bushes and flowers, and when the morning dew is still on the ground, they stand out like patches of cotton thrown on the lawn. On stopped on my way to work to photograph this one hanging from the bushes of the retirement home down the street.


Michael said...

AHHHHHHH. I just watched a spider spin a web a couple days ago on my porch. So amazing. I can't believe these things exist in nature. I'll take a photo and post it in response to yours...

Unknown said...

post about Elvis again...

or die.

Michael said...

Um, your #1 blog fan is awaiting another post...

Hope you're well! I'm moving to Seattle today!