This is Colombia.
I'd like to presume that everyone knows that, but I have to admit, that I actually forget where it's located sometimes myself, so I won't presume anything.
I'm going to travel here in 9 days.
I haven't posted much about Colombia, because I've been having mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, I'm determined to go. The three people I lived with two years ago in Chile will all be there for my two week hiatus, and I'm thrilled to get a chance to see them again after so long. But I have to admit that I've been a bit nervous. If you go onto any United States Government web page, you'll see nothing but warnings about the unstable and unsafe nature of the country. There is so much literature warning against traveling to the country, that I can't help but be a bit nervous. But at the same time, I have complete faith in Paula and Mark, my ever so gracious and fantastic hosts. After all, Paula is Colombian. She lives in Bogota. And Mark now lives there too, at least for the next year. And Mark is foreign too. Granted his Mexican heritage shows a bit more than his English half, but he's still foreign, and according to my government, that makes you target #1 in Colombia. If there was any way I was in danger visiting them, I'm sure they would tell me to stay home.
I honestly can't help but that think that the US government is just covering its behind. I'm sure the extremely rural areas of Colombia are not somewhere you want to be wandering alone, but I don't think I'd do that anywhere, FARC or no FARC. And yeah, the city has its bad parts, but again, what big city doesn't. I'm not planning on running around by myself, so I'm pretty sure, I'll be okay (famous last words). It's a foreign country, you just have to be smart about where you go and who you're with. Walking down the streets of Santiago after Pinochet died wasn't always the safest thing. You had to be smart about what areas to stay out of in order to avoid a violent riot. It's just about being smart.
Also, I have to admit, that the government warning almost makes me want to go even more. True, if I thought there was an extreme threat (meaning even entering the capitol was a bad idea), I wouldn't be able to scrounge up the nerve-and recklessness-to go, but doesn't a warning of danger make things sound that much more appealing? I think so. I'm a rather cautious individual though, so diving head first into something that really isn't safe, isn't something I'm going to do. I trust my gut, and it says I'll be okay provided I'm smart about things.
Needless to say, I'm trusting my gut.
I guess I'd better start packing.
Puh-leeze, you are a well-seasoned traveler with a good gut-instinct. You'll be fine. Mali was the same way--lots of warnings about rebel Tauregs in the deserts, so we just avoided that part, just like we would avoid certain parts here in the US. Plus you've got insiders to help act as guides.
How are you feeling about your spanish?
Oh my gosh have fun with this! I'm excited for you. You just have to have your guards up, but seem relaxed. Don't worry about it because then that means you won't have much fun. And fun what it's all about. I hope you don't get into too much trouble...how long are you gonna be there for?
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