Living on the northern end of the east coast comes with a few changes I've noticed over the past week. First and foremost, we get the first morning light before anyone else in the United States. Sounds kinda cool. However, since it's the first light, that means it occurs at about 4:30/4:45 in the morning. So while I wish I could be awake to experience this early morning sunrise, I have yet to roll myself out of bed at that time. I'm still allowing myself to treat this period as a sort of vacation...a break from the hectic schedule I kept for my few months of college-or even my entire college career I suppose. But one day I will manage to get up at that time and enjoy the first light of our nation.
I'm also not used the ocean breeze. Not only am I living on the coast, but I'm living on an island...and a small one at that. So the coastal breeze is pretty much inescapable. You can experience its effects just about anywhere you go on the island. So when the day appears warm and sunny, there's still that crisp breeze that forces you to bring a jacket, just in case. I'm typically sensitive to the cold, and this is going to take a bit of getting used to. I think my nose is going to have the most difficult time. It seems to be cold all the time here unless I'm basking in the direct sunlight. But it will adapt, as will the rest of my body to any other changes I notice.
I suppose the last big difference I want to mention is the seafood. As one could imagine, Maine is chop full of lobster and muscles and clams and all sorts of other fish and creatures. I live right down the street from Parson's lobster pound which actually has the cheapest lobster on all the island: 6.50 per pound. Not bad if you ask me. Now if only I was a seafood nut. Yep, I'm not. It's been growing on me in recent years, but I'm still not crazy about it. I sometimes think this location is wasted on me, but I'm determined to grow to love the local cuisine. Joe and I will be boiling up a fresh lobster this evening for a bit of a "mother's day feast". Should be interesting...A r
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