Thursday, September 25, 2008


I've been sick. For the past week. Basically, since I posted last. I think the universe is trying to tell me something. Maybe that I shouldn't post anything about how my body isn't being enough of a germ warrior. I don't really know. But I do know that I've felt miserable for the past week, and am only now starting to feel a bit better. Of course this has been fantastic timing since I can't take off work on Mondays and Tuesdays and also since I'm supposed to be working on the "possible big thing" project that I'm still extremely nervous about jinxing myself over (especially after the whole sickness after posting thing).

So I've been a puddle of Jell-o for a few days now, letting Joe spoon feed me applecrisp. Well not really, but I think you can appreciate the idea.

I did feel better last Saturday and managed to get to the apple orchard with Joe and then back apple crisp and make some applesauce. So that's positive. I also made it through my much needed and much anticipated shopping trip! yay! (I know you were all worried I didn't make it) I got myself some things to keep me warm, and thank goodness I did! It's been rather chilly at night ane my sniveling and sneezing self needs a bit more than a t-shirt to keep me warm.

I have some pictures from the orchard, but seeing as how I'm at work - surprise surprise - and they're at home, they'll have to wait for another time. For now, this is all you get.

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