I've been a bit of a slut for blogs this past week.
And not my own...everyone else's.
I've been snooping around in the blogging world.
A Lot.
Nosing around in other people's blogs has become my new way of passing the time, and I must admit that I'm rather inspired and thoroughly entertained. There's some really great stuff out there and I'm enjoying snooping around to find it.
Take for instance this artist:
Jennifer Khoshbin

These are absolutely stunning. I've started a few projects along the way that involve using books as sculptural materials, but never really gotten anywhere with it. I've been dying to pick them back up, and this work is just the kind of inspirational push I needed. It's important when starting something new to look into who's working on the same sort of thing. Who's already done it, who's doing it now, and who else is thinking about doing it in the future. It's good to place yourself among your peers with every project you take up. After looking at Jennifer's work, I'm feeling so much more at home with my own ideas. I love the meticulous and obsessive cutting and layering and gluing. I've glued layers and layers of books together in the past and as I'm sure you could guess, loved every minute of it. It's a bit sick, I know. Who enjoys gluing over 600 individual pages together? Well....I do. Surprise! Just like I loved carving up over 600 pencils.
Yay for obsessive and freakishly meticulous artists!
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